
Behavior expectations




T: Teamwork

*Please contribute to all classroom activities by:


a) remaining with your team and staying on task

b) contributing to the group assignment or activity to the best of your ability

c) cooperating with your team by compromising on any disagreements

d) participating appropriately in class



I: Integrity


*Please follow district, school, and classroom rules by:


a) following class routines, procedures, and directions correctly and consistently

b) staying focused on instruction

c) not chewing gum

d) keeping your cell phone turned off & in your backpack while on campus

e) acceptable use of iPad



R: Responsibility & Respect

*Please contribute to the positive classroom environment by:


a) being prepared for learning:

*a charged iPad, binder, CPM book, and pencil

b) keeping your body parts and any other objects to yourself at all times

c) using polite language and tone when interacting with peers and adults on campus

d) being on time to class