Drop-off/Pick-up Reminders:
· Follow the directions of staff at all times. Adults on duty have a different view of the area than drivers, and their directions should be followed to ensure student safety.
· The yellow loading zones on Marlinda Way and in the upper parking lot are not for parking or extended stopping. If traffic is moving, please load and unload quickly and safely. If you need more time, please park on the street outside the loading zone.
· If you wish to enter the upper parking lot in the morning, use the drop off lane along the curb. Once cars have unloaded, you can proceed to the parking lot entrance and turn right. Please do NOT enter the lot from the left (passing) lane across traffic.
· Do not park/stop in red zones to pick up or drop off. Also, please use caution not to block our neighbor's driveways on Marlinda Way.
· There is no double-parking to wait on Marlinda Way while waiting for afternoon dismissal. You may only pause in front of parked cars on Marlinda once dismissal begins and traffic is moving. Prior to that, you will be asked to drive on until dismissal begins and children are present. Please honor the request of the adult on duty if you are asked to drive on.
· Do not leave your car parked or unattended on the lower parking lot curb during arrival and dismissal times. That curb is a loading zone for buses only. Use designated parking spaces only.
· The bus entrance is for BUSES ONLY. Please do not enter or exit the lower parking lot through that gate.
· EV parking spaces MAY be used for non-EV vehicles during arrival and dismissal. Please do not park in these spaces if you are leaving your vehicle for more than 10 minutes.
· Students should not be dropped off or picked up on Pepper Drive adjacent to the lower parking lot. This is a turn lane and not only is traffic disrupted, but it is unsafe for loading and unloading. Law enforcement will ticket and have asked that we report unsafe drivers.
· Refrain from using your cell phone while driving unless it is hands-free. It is imperative that drivers are not distracted with so many children’s safety at stake. It is also the law. We are obliged to contact law enforcement to ensure the safety of our students and community.