Pepper Drive PTA
2023 / 2024

 Tiger Tribe

We are excited for our new school year.

To stay up up date please follow us on Social Media:

Facebook at

 Instagram @pepperdrivepta

 All our info will be shared and linked on our website:


Become a PTA Member

       Join now at:

We have plans for in person events this year but we can't do these without your support!

Please sign up now to become a member.  Members will receive discounts to our events and some may even be free. PTA is here to support Pepper Drive, our students and teachers. There are no obligations to attend meetings or volunteer, unless you want to. 

Q R CodeSigning up for PTA is easy. Please visit or scan the QR code. Please share with family & friends - anyone can join! Membership is $10 and needs to be renewed every year.

 There is also the option to make a donation to PTA when completing your membership online. If you wish to make a donation only, please visit our square store: 

Have questions or have ideas

Do you have ideas on events we could host this year? Want to know how you can get more involved? 

Please email: [email protected].

 Click here to view membership perks from the State PTA.




Pepper Drive School PTA bylaws
Click here to view


 Box Tops for Education- download the app and Scan your receipts from shopping all year long. Just by doing this you help earn money all year long for Pepper Drive!


Tiger Tribe

