I Challenge You!

Carry out an act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that some day someone might do the same for you."

-Diana, Princess of Wales

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So...here is your challenge...

Choose one, or two, or more of these Good Deeds to do each day:

  1. Smile and say "Good Morning! or Good Day to you!" to at least 5 people!

  2. Compliment someone!

  3. Pick up and throw away 10 pieces of campus trash !

  4. Make someone laugh!

  5. Assist a younger student in some way!

  6. Get to know someone new!

  7. Sit with a different group at lunch and have a conversation!

  8. Step up/ Stand up for someone!

  9. Hold the door open for someone!

  10. Thank someone for something s/he did for you!

  11. Offer your help if you notice someone needs it!

  12. Learn how to say "Hello" in one or more different languages, then use the words!

  13. Leave a nice note for someone/anyone to find (this is a stealth smile!)

  14. Learn how to properly shake hands, then shake hands with your friends each day (hugging is not allowed at school!)

  15. Create your own good deed! Then...do it! and...share it :)

  16. **Courtesy of Kids for Peace Global/Great Kindness Challenge

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