PE 23-24

Pepper Drive Middle School Physical Education


Pepper Drive offers a physical education program that includes both

recreational games and competitive sports taught by middle school



All students will begin dressing out the week of August 28, 2023.


P.E. Uniform

● Pepper Drive PE T-shirt

● Pepper Drive PE shorts

● Tennis/athletic shoes with laces

● Proper undergarments

● Optional sweatshirts and/or sweatpants for cold/rainy days (any


● Toilet articles (no glass/spray/aerosol bottles). Plastic ONLY.

● Hair ties/headbands preferred to pull hair back

● Jewelry that is a safety hazard will not be allowed

● PLAIN (no logos) black, gray, or red baseball caps (forward facing

only) are allowed during PE class for sun protection.

● No sunglasses are permitted.


Each new student to Pepper Drive will receive a complimentary PE

uniform. If PE clothes no longer fit or are lost, the replacement cost is

$10 for a complete set ($5 shirt, $5 shorts). Students can give payment

to their PE teacher to receive a new PE uniform.


No markings/drawings/ink are permitted on PE uniforms except for

student names (last, first initial) in the name bar on the shirt and shorts.

Students will need to purchase a new PE uniform if there are other



Combination Locks

School locks will be provided and students are responsible for returning

their lock at the end of the year. A $5.00 replacement fee will be

charged for any lock that is lost or not returned. Each student will be

issued a locker to keep their clothes in. Students are to take their P.E.

gear home on weekends to wash. Lockers are to remain locked at all

times and students are responsible for keeping track of their gear.


P.E. Medical Excuses

ALL STUDENTS are expected to suit out for P.E. EVERY DAY. A note is

required when a student is to be fully excused from P.E. or if a student is

to self-limit (i.e. dress out but not fully participate due to an injury).

Parents may email their child’s teacher or provide a written excuse note

if students are not able to fully participate in PE. Notes from a doctor

must be given to the school health clerk. Any parent excuse note of

MORE THAN THREE DAYS will REQUIRE a physician’s note.



The PE point system is based on earning points per class period. The

point system is based on suiting out, participation, effort, attitude, and

conduct. Physical fitness evaluations will be conducted each trimester

and these points will also be included in the final scholarship grade.

Bonus points may be earned for extra effort. Grades can be checked

online using PowerSchool.



If you have questions or concerns, please contact me through email.


Mrs. Wray (6th) [email protected]