All students will benefit from:
Earbuds/Headphones (cannot be Bluetooth)
3 ring 1' binder to carry paper and classwork/homework home
2 Spiral bound notebooks
Hand-held pencil sharpener
Pencil box (clear plastic, standard size (8'ish X 5'ish x 2'ish). It needs to fit in their desk or pencil pouch
ecommended Items:
Dry Erase Markers/white board pens
Felt Tip Markers (Fine or Thick)
Colored Pencils
These items would always be appreciated as donations for the classroom:
Baby wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Rolls of paper towels
Zip-Loc Bags (sandwich and gallon)
Glue Sticks
Felt tip markers or color pencils
Black Sharpies
Please check individual teachers' websites and welcome letters for additional recommended/appreciated items.