Pepper Drive is a Title I School-wide Program funded School. This means that we receive federal funds to assist students at-risk in English language arts, mathematics, or both subjects.
The use of our funds is clarified in our Single Plan for Student Achievement. Click here to see the latest approved version of that plan.
Each year we have a Title I Parent meeting as well as other family/parent events to support skills in English language arts and mathematics and science.
Our Title I Information Meeting is Scheduled for
December 11, 2020 at 6:30pm (Reading Family Night)
We are excited to offer more Parent and Family Nights this year to promote learning and school connectedness.
If your child is identified at-risk, you will receive more information about how Title I is being used to assist him/her. Copies of these documents are below:
Title I Parent Letter
Title I Parent Letter - Spanish
Title I Parent Letter - Arabic
Title I Compact
Title I Annual Parent Meeting Presentation
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Title I Parent Involvement Policy - Spanish
Title I Parent Involvement Policy - Arabic
Santee School District Parent Involvement Policy